Monday, November 06, 2006

Fund Performance per day (inception date, 20 Oct 06) : -4.70625%


USD - The dollar gained strength on stronger than expected ISM and NFP data. The unemployment rate was at 4.4% which is a 5.5 year low. ISM Manufacturing data rose to 57.1 from 52.9. Equities and Treasuries ended lower on a less probable outcome than the Fed will cut rates in future. Watch for the mid term elections on Tuesday as America goes to the poll - a Democrat win could be dollar negative. In equities, we see cautious trading ahead of the mide term election results.

CAD - A stronger emplyment data saved the CAD from further falls. But unless Bank of Canada Governor Dodge or Deputy Governor Longworth clarify things in their speeches next week, we could see the CAD continue to suffer from the remnants of the surprise tax on income trusts.


1645 - 1600h : EUR - Eurozone PMI / German PMI

1630h :GBP - Industrial / Manufacturin Production fugures released

1700h : EUR - Eurozone PPI

1800h : GBP - German Factory Orders

2030h : Fed's Moskow speaks on US Economic outlook in Chicago

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