Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fund Performance till date (inception 3 Oct 06) : 2.89%


Market Bias : USD was generally perceived to be overvalued by traders.

JPY - Today's Private Sector Machinery Orders for August showed that companies may be slowing down on their capital spending. Japanese core machine orders expanded 6.7% (less than the 11.2% expected) in August. Internal core Japanese machinery orders decreased but external orders remain robust (reflecting the strong global economy and recent weakness in the JPY).

USD - San Francisco Federal Reserve president Janet Yellen said that there had been a "noticeable slowdown" in the US economy. But while Yellen also said that US interest rates are moderately restrictive, she said that this was "appropriate" given the inflation risks. Fed might pause rates in the near term. The dollar weakened slightly after N.Korea said that they were willing to comply with UN Interventions.

EUR - ECB Adds EUR9.5 Billion In 1-Day Quick Refi At 3.05% And Up French industrial output rebounded 0.8% in August, which were better than the market's expectation for a 0.7% increase. Italian output also rose 1.2% MoM. However the market more strongly to the French trade deficit data which widened to 3.5 bln eur in August from 3.4 bln in July. Economists also said that the French positive figurestoday still proved that the overall economy is still slowing down. ECB also called for a quick tender to offset an expected liquidity shortage in the money market. The tender was called at the time which conincided with the French economy figures.

GBP - Retail Sales in the UK high streets slowed in September as milder weather and consumer caution hit spending levels, according to the British Retail Consortium. It said that like-for-like sales, which strips out the effects of changes in floor space, rose by an annual rate of 2.4 pct, against expectations of 2.5 pct. The rate was also at 2.5 pct in August. Clothing and footwear were hit hard by unseasonally mild weather, while homeware and furniture sales were also slower than in August. The BRC said consumers are still pessimistic after the Bank of England's unexpected interest rate hike in August.


GBP - Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, is making a speech today. Watch for what he focuses on

2015h - CAD : Canadian Housing Starts. Consensus is 222,000 vs Previous 214,000. A reported increase in net employment through the month of September could offer some proof of a modest rebound in the leading housing gauge

0930 h - AUD : Home Loans and investment Lending

1400h - JPY : Tool Machine Orders

1700h - AUD : RBA Governor Stevens speaks on the economy

1700h - EUR : Host of data including European commission GDP Forecast

God Speed in the markets

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