Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Fund Performance (inception date, 20 Oct 06) : -5.243%


USD - The dollar was rangebound after the soft GDP and PCE figures. One of the Fed's top priorities is to improve the central bank's communication with the public, especially about its goals for inflation and growth and how it plans to achieve them. But the more Bernanke and his colleagues concentrate on that task, the harder it appears.

EUR - Figures released Friday showed the U.S. economy grew at a pace of only 1.6 percent in the third quarter, the slowest in more than three years. But in European boardrooms, the prospect of a slowdown in the United States - still Europe's largest export market - is producing little more than a shrug. Years of restructuring have left companies significantly better able to weather a rough patch than five years ago, the last time the European economy fell into serious trouble. Europe's executives also are turning more toward spots in Europe where things are humming - notably the former Communist states of the East - and selling their wares in booming Asia markets and oil-exporting countries flush with cash. Along with a U.S. slowdown, another looming event that could affect matters is the Jan. 1 increase in the value-added tax in Germany, which has Europe's largest economy. Those two factors have already led the International Monetary Fund to warn that European growth will slow to about 2 percent in 2007 from a predicted 2.4 percent this year.


1200h - JPY : Small business Confidence

1300h - JPY : Semi-annual outlook report on economy

1400h - GBP : Nationwide Housing Prices

1400h - EUR : Gernam Retail Sales

1700h - EUR : Eurozone Business Climate Indicator

1730h - GBP : Gfk Consumer Confidence Consumer Survey

2000h - CAD : MoM GDP

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