Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Portfolio Performance : +20.12%

Actions : My stop loss on the Short USD/JPY was triggered again early in the week shortly after the news on the bailout of Freddie and Fannie

US dollar barometer stands at +3

Trade Recommendation for the day: Long USD / CAD

Bottomline : Equities are taking a pause to figure which direction they want to go, but I think the market has more room to trend lower than higher. The US dollar strength in the market is still there, I dont understand why this is so - afterall, the Treasury just used money to bail Freddie and Fannie but US dollar bulls still like going long on the dollar. Commodities might take a pause after falling so much, I think crude will flirt around the $100 - $107 per barrel level, I don't see any tremendous selling pressure from the energy market yet moving forward. Bonds are still the market to be in.

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