Wednesday, June 11, 2008

(It has been a long time since I blogged, I will starting to blog to keep track of my views of the market as well as to track my current expectations of the forex pairs)

Portfolio Performance : 0%

Headline news today

1. Bank of Canada holds rates at 3%
2. US Fed insisting inflationary views, lends support to USD
3. Lots of focus on oil today, world protests high commodity prices
4. Gold sell off on pressure from oil and USD
5. Regulators focusing on easing commodity prices in the long term, coming up with solutions to solve food and oil crisis

My expectations for the following pairs against the USD

1. AUD - neutral, I expect it to be range bound
2. GBP - positive, bought at 1.9535
3. CAD - negative, I will wait and see
4. YEN - shaky on USD pressure, the pair might rally
5. CHF - weak on USD pressure
6. EUR - neutral, but might succumb to USD pressure

End of the Day: I think the USD is pressuring the pairs on Fed Talk, Bond and Gold Sell Off.

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