Friday, September 29, 2006

Fund Performance on average per day : 14.8%

Today's events

JPY : Intervention by the MOF - Administrative Vice Finance Minister Fujii mentioned that recent EUR/JPY appreciation was a little rough; Finance Minister Omi also made
the exact same comment at a regular press conference today, probably to soften the effect of the overvalued EUR/JPY

CNY : USD/CNY retracted after Graham and Schumer decided to drop their plans for a vote on their bill. I am still bullish on the CNY

NZD : GDP came in a bit weak, 0.5% Q/Q and 1.4% Y/Y. The market forecasted growth of 0.6% Q/Q and 1.3% Y/Y. The difference was'nt that significant, the NZD is not expected to be on the sell off yet.

GBP : Consensus has it that the BoE is not going to raise rates yet, given the recent slew of figures indicating a slower growing economy

Coming Up

2030h - USD : Personal Spending figures should be lower than expected given the lower housing figures.

2030h - CAD : GDP figures expected to rise. Take the long on the CAD

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