Saturday, May 15, 2010

Portfolio Performance

since inception (12 Mar 2010) : 0.75%

April 2010: 0.66%

Benchmark : 0.54% (BarclayHedge Currency Trader Index as of 15 May 2010)


It's been a long time since I last blogged. All this time, I have learnt much about currency trading. So far, the market has been kind to me as performance has been up to par.

The recent Greek crisis has been affecting investor confidence. There was a sell off in various risky assets and the only 3 things I know that have been going up are the US Dollar, Bonds and Gold.

Here is my outlook for the various asset classes

On Bonds : Higher in the short term (at lease for a month, but I think they could U-turn after that)

On Stocks : Weak in the short term, higher in the medium term but the longer term is down (this could be nasty)

On Gold : Higher in the short term

On US Dollar : Higher in the short term